torsdag den 9. juni 2011

I find Joy

I find joy
in the simple blossoming
of a lotus

I find joy
in the distant footsteps
of my girlfriend

I find peace in

these are the simple joys of life

mandag den 20. december 2010

Paper dogs

Lifelike paper dogs
my thoughts bark at me
demanding my attention

Why do I care
Aren't they made of paper?

mandag den 29. november 2010

In my yard

In my yard
touched by the first snow
lies the last autumn leaf
It makes my mind wander
back to the past season
vivid images appear

The days are darker now
I embrace the last rays of light
before the excitement
of a snow covered landscape

tirsdag den 27. juli 2010

Pictures Colliding

Pictures colliding.
So fragile
Is the world of dreams
floating in our heads

Images fight for control
In our minds

In a moment they shatter
To Pieces
The dreams are spilled
On the floor

Soaking wet
from noting but a mirage
I can see clearly now

lørdag den 12. juni 2010

clouds in the fishing net

vaguely tryin'
to catch clouds
with an empty fishing net

I know it's crazy
I need a bigger net

tirsdag den 27. april 2010

two poems or just one

Like cherry blossoms
our mind blooms
and matures
into non-existence

I watch thoughts
come and go
I wonder who is watching

going unnoticed

We flicker in and out of existence,
our thoughts settle
like specks of dust
on the mirror of eternity.

I am happy
if I pass through this world